Tuesday, January 09, 2018

USAID LOKAL+ & HaitiXchange

HaitiXchange has worked extensively with USAID-Haiti's LOKAL+ program whose goal was to improve local governance in Haiti. Our work included several video pieces, which covered interviews with government officials, USAID staff, and subject matter experts, as well as travel throughout Haiti.

Post-production included producing voice-over and subtitles, as well as multiple versions of selected videos to address various audiences.

USAID LOKAL+ - Lessons Learned (Long Version)

This is a long version of the retrospective of USAID's LOKAL+ 5-year project.

French and Haitian Creole with English Voice-Over
Director/Editor/Voice Over: Pascal Antoine
Camera: Obillard Holibrice


USAID LOKAL - Mobilisation Fiscale

This video discusses fiscal mobilization and the best practices for municipalities to collect tax revenue. French with French Voice-Over Director/Editor/Voice Over: Pascal Antoine Camera: Obillard Holibrice


USAID LOKAL+ - Lessons Learned Short

This a short version of the retrospective of USAID's LOKAL+ 5-year project. French and Haitian Creole with French Voice-Over Director/Editor/Voice Over: Farah Malbranche & Pascal Antoine Camera: Obillard Holibrice

Best Practices in Local Governance

The videos below provide insight on certain best practices of USAID LOKAL+ local governance initiative.


French and Haitian Creole with French Voice-Over Director/Editor/Voice Over: Pascal Antoine Camera: Obillard Holibrice



French and Haitian Creole with French Voice-Over Director/Editor/Voice Over: Pascal Antoine Camera: Obillard Holibrice


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